
Located at the Plainfield School from 2:50pm – 6:00pm


Elementary aged students complete homework, enjoy structured recreation, and snacks with a 1:10 staff to child ratio. This allows parents to maintain a full-time job knowing their child is safe.



When the children arrive in the program attendance is taken. Before snack each child washes their hands and joins their friends to sit and enjoy snack provided by YMCA Camp Coniston. If you think your child will need additional snack please be sure to pack a snack for them in their lunch box.
Attendance & Snack
2:50 - 3:30
Weather permitting the group will go outside for free play each day. The children are able to use the school fields and outdoor play equipment. Often times a pick-up game of soccer, football, baseball, etc will happen during this time
Outdoor Play
3:30 - 4:15
Children are offered assistance in completing their homework during this time. Children who do not have homework will engage in alternate educational activities.
Homework Time
4:15 - 4:45
The Site Supervisor plans and presents a different activity daily. The categories of activities include but are not limited to: science, physical activities, arts and crafts, music, engineering, literacy, and food exploration.
Daily Activity
4:45 - 5:15
During this time the children usually continue exploring the daily activity. Other choices include: board games, ball play, coloring, outside time, block building, arts and craft projects etc.
Free Play
5:15 - 6:00
For pick up you should enter through the main school doors. Our classroom is the second classroom on the left. Only people on the authorized pick up form can pick a child up from the program. Please bring ID for our staff to check at pick up time.
Pick Up

support afterschool

Financial assistance for our afterschool programs is provided through gifts to YMCA Camp Coniston annual fund.