
Getting Involved with Camp

become a volunteer

Coniston volunteer opportunities are a fantastic way to connect to Camp. There is a wide array of ways to make Coniston the special place that it is. Volunteering can range from sitting on board sub-committee to helping clean up camp. Coniston’s strength is fostering community and volunteerism build a richer, more connected community.

Coniston volunteers can be anyone. It can be an alumni, a parent, friends of camp and even campers. Here are some ways for you to volunteer.

Our board of directors is comprised of over a dozen selected dedicated volunteers. They meet four times a year to review, discuss and plan the future. Learn more about them here.

The Coniston Ambassadors Program is a group of alumni and Coniston community members from around the country who represent Coniston in our larger communities and help keep others informed of Coniston’s vision. Ambassadors have the opportunity to be the first to know of updates and current events happening at Camp and are then able to pass on this information to the broader Coniston Community. Responsibilities of ambassadors range from organizing Coniston gatherings in their local area, raising awareness of Coniston events/fundraisers, and volunteering at check in days. If you are interested in becoming an ambassador reach out to carter@coniston.org.

Parent Ambassadors are Coniston community members whose children have gone or are going to camp for a number of years. These ambassador help educate new Coniston parents on what camp is like from the parent perspective and the experience sending their children to camp. Having your child attend Camp is not just a new experience for your child but you as well. Parent Ambassadors also host events in their local area. If you are interested in the Parent Ambassador program email carter@coniston.org.

In response to COVID-19 a Communications Committee was formed to support the communication needs for Camp. Without this committees support and hard work the Coniston Community would not be as well informed.

The committee is chaired by Board Member, Lynne Delise, and a group of highly talented communication and fundraising alumni. Members of the committee include:

Anna Kelsey, Grassroots Prospects Manager at Democratic National Committee
Liz Morris, MBA Candidate | The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and Formerly the Assistant Director of Planned Giving for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Joe Whelan, Assistant Director of Development, Regional & Global Programs at University of Delaware, MBA Candidate

Coniston recognizes the world’s need for career-ready young professionals. In fact, many of the skills learned at camp translate very well to career readiness such as communication skills, emotional intelligence and situational awareness. Because of this realization, Coniston hosts Career Networking events to better serve our community. At these events Coniston invites established professionals to serve as panelists and round table hosts who share about their professional experiences and how Camp intersects this journey. We have hosted events in Boston and New York City and are excited for more events. If you are a parent or an alumni and are interested in being a career networking panelist or countable host please contact carter@coniston.org.

Since 2009 Coniston has partnered with Hyperthem, an industrial cutting manufacturer based in Hanover, NH. In the Fall and Spring, volunteer groups from Hypertherm come and help us set up camp and with general maintenance around the property. We are incredibly grateful for the work that Hypertherm does for Coniston and they are crucial to help open and close the camp. Like Coniston, Hypertherm is committed to helping serve their local communities and we would like to thank them for volunteering with Coniston. If your business might be interested in exploring how you could partner with Coniston please contact us at jmcnair@coniston.org

Since 1995, Sherm Horton has served as our webmaster and guru of all things techy. Sherm was a camper and leader on staff before beginning his volunteer work with alumni in the early 1990s. His superior expertise and endless dedication allow Coniston to be at the forefront of the best technologies to help us get the most camp to the most kids.

Help clean camp or even being a camp driver during the summer. Please inquire if you are interested in any volunteer opportunities. carter@coniston.org

Classification of Volunteers
There are two categories of volunteers: High-Access and Low-Access. The category of volunteer determines the level of screening, training, and supervision the volunteer requires.
*If uncertain whether a particular volunteer opportunity is High-Access or Low-Access, pick High-Access because this category provides the greatest protection for consumers and for your organization.

High-Access Volunteers 
High-Access Volunteers typically interact often or over an extended period with consumers. Such volunteers may be readily known to consumers under their supervision and to other volunteers and employees in the program. They may also supervise consumers with or without an employee present. High-Access Volunteers may carry a substantial amount of responsibility in a program serving consumers and such volunteers may have opportunities to develop relationships with consumers over time.

Examples of High-Access
Volunteers include a volunteer program instructor, a regularly scheduled volunteer coach, or a mentor for a consumer.

Recommended High-Access Volunteer screening process:
• An application with the Code of Conduct attached;
• In-person interview with behaviorally based interview questions;
• References; and
• A multi-state criminal background check and national sex offender registry check.

Recommended High-Access Volunteer training process:
• Initial Abuse Prevention Training required of employees in similar position; and
• Annual Abuse Prevention Training required of employees in similar position.

Low Access Volunteers
Low Access Volunteers typically interact with consumers only in line-of-sight of an employee and only infrequently. Such volunteer might be a parent/guardian who is helping at a onetime event, or someone who only works with adults, not consumers. Low Access Volunteers may not be known by the consumers in the program or to other volunteers and employees. Low Access/Occasional Volunteers have limited access to consumers and have few opportunities to develop relationships with consumers over time.

Examples of Low Access Volunteers include a one-time event volunteer (such as for a fun 
run), parents/guardians who assist at a program where their child is a participant, a volunteer who works strictly with adults outside of the organization’s property, a volunteer who helps with business activities and does not interact with consumers, or a board member.

Recommended Low Access Volunteer screening and training process:
• A national sex offender registry check.
• Provide volunteer with the organization’s Code of Conduct; and
• Review of abuse prevention policies