Waitlist Policies

What it means to be on the waitlist


Coniston is one of the very few camps in the US that fills up quickly every year. This is due to the many campers who return to Coniston, summer after summer. We recommend applying as early as possible. To apply, fill out an application online, mail in your deposit or submit credit card information, and indicate your preferred session(s). If you apply for Camp and we are unable to accommodate your camper for the upcoming summer your camper will automatically be placed on the waitlist. Our waitlists are very active – in the past few years we have typically registered 100 campers from the waitlist each season, most during the spring months. Our Registrar will call to verify your interest when a spot opens. Your deposit will not be processed until that time. In the event you do not get into Camp your check will be returned to you or your credit card will not be charged the deposit. If you have questions regarding the waitlist or the status of your waitlisted camper feel free to contact the office!

We have put together a variety of answers to FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. We hope that this helps explain the process.

Waitlist Info

• We will only contact you when a space becomes available for your child.
• Your child will stay on the waitlist right up until check in day (unless you call to take them off the list.)
• Your child may be on multiple waitlists. Call if you want to add their name to other session wait lists.
• If you prefer not to remain on the waitlist please contact us, and we will return your deposit check.

Deposit & Payments

• Deposit checks are held with your application but not deposited until your child is registered.
• Credit cards are not charged until we have a space for your child. We will contact by e-mail to make sure you are still interested before processing your card.
• You are not expected to submit any additional payments or forms until your camper is registered.

Eagerly Waiting

• Call the registrar anytime throughout the winter/spring/summer to get an update on your child’s waitlist status.
• If you are not enrolled your deposit check will be returned to you.
• Applications do not roll over into the next summer. All families need to reapply for the next season (this includes returning, waitlist and new families)
• Please save this page for your own information and call us with any questions. We’re working to get you in…