Matt Albee-Owner of a Disc Golf Course and Course Design Business-Coniston: 1996-2007

How old were you when you started Camp?

I was 15.

How were you introduced to Coniston?

My parents.

Did you attend college, and if so, what did you study?

Yes – Marketing major with and economics minor, then an MBA in business.

What is your current job? 

I am an owner of a disc golf course and course design business.

How has your career journey evolved?
I built an 18 hole disc golf course at Camp Coniston and fell in love. The rest is history!
What moment in your career are you most proud of?
We hosted 6 professional disc golfers at our course to compete for $2000! It was the culmination of thousands of hours of work.
Did Coniston influence your ability to create this journey?
One hundred percent!
Are there any skills or traits you gained at Coniston that you use in your professional life?

Goal setting
Friend making
Risk taking
Time management

Are there any specific memories from your time at Coniston that are still impactful to you?

Too many to put in words. I was part of Camp and Camp will always be a part of me. It is easily the reason I am the man, father, husband, worker, and friend I am today.