Keeping people connected during this time is important work Camp can easily do. To that end, we have reached out through social media to our Community and beyond, providing activities in which families and youth may participate, weekly inspirational and spiritual presentations (aka vespers). Through this type of programming Coniston’s engagement has seen an extreme rate of growth and we even have people join us with no previous connection to YMCA Camp Coniston. Read a few testimonials below:
“Evening Vespers was always a time of quiet contemplation and inspiration. Bob Sanders would frequently offer a message dealing with camp life and how to make the best of it. His presentation usually had to do with developing relationships. 45 years later Coniston’s virtual Vespers are very nostalgic and often very personal. But the themes haven’t changed that much, and I still find them refreshing as they remind me of the importance of relationships that the Coniston experience always provided.”
— Dave Barden, Sanders’ Era Alumni
“Aaaahhh, Virtual Vespers! It’s a time to decompress after a day at work. It’s a chance to reconnect with camp friends, for whom camp represents a happy place, filled with lingering memories, and sometimes a growing-up place where we discovered who we really are. It’s a virtual visit, a step back in time to days when we walked along the pine-needle-covered roadway under a green canopy by sparkling lake waters to late-afternoon vespers. The vesper speakers inspire us with their earnest words of reflection and leave us smiling. Thank you, Camp Coniston, for continuing the summer magic.”
— Karen Fitch Parker, Camper and Staff Member, 1967-1977
Just like every evening at Camp, a little after 5:00pm (EST) the Camp bell rings and cabins make their way in silence to Boys & Girls Vespers. To so many Conistonians, this reflective time as we come together and sit by the lake is an extremely important time. At 5:15pm (EST), Vespers begins by a counselor who shares a personal message or life lesson that helped shape them into the person they are today.
To stay informed and join us each week we recommend you add Virtual Vespers to your calendar by clicking this link.